0800 233 5977 info@foxgroupfm.com


The management of Fox Group, consider the attainment of high standards of health
and safety for its employees as important as high standards in every other part of its business.

With this in mind we will ensure, through a risk assessment based approach to the management of safety that:

  • our working environment is safe and without risks to health, and that adequate welfare facilities are available for all employees.
  • all places of work and means of access to them will be maintained in a safe and tidy
  • The provision of work equipment and systems of work are safe and without risk to health.
  • Safe arrangements are in place to deal with any risk which may arise from our activities.
  • Adequate information, instruction, training and supervision will be given to all employees
    to ensure their health and safety at work.

Ultimate responsibility for health and safety rests with the Managing Director who is accountable for ensuring that safe and healthy working conditions are provided for all employees and those sub-contractors we may employ. We are also committed to the provision of adequate resources, both in management time and money to achieve our safety objectives. Equally, all employees, whether management or otherwise are reminded of their duty to take reasonable care of their own health and safety and of those who may be affected by their actions and to co operate with the Company by following the rules and guidance laid down for their safety.

This Statement of Policy will be made available throughout our work operations and may, on occasions, be supplemented in appropriate cases by method statements and working guidelines relating to our activities.

The effectiveness of the Policy will be evaluated and reviewed every twelve months in conjunction with an annual appraisal of safety performance.

If anyone is in doubt about any aspect of safety related to their work, they are entitled to raise the matter directly with me.

Andrew Fox January 2021



It is the policy of this company to assign safety responsibilities to designated personnel and to ensure through monitoring and appraisal that the requirements of this policy are effectively fulfilled.

The safety responsibilities of the key designations and groups are specified as follows: The Fox Group (Yorkshire Ltd) Fox Decorating Services Ltd, Compliance Fire Security & Electrical LTD.


As Managing Director, I will ensure:

  • The Company’s objectives for health and safety are met in full.
  • This policy is regularly monitored and reviewed.
  • Health and safety business objectives are defined annually, that performance criteria are established and that success in meeting the criteria is formally measured.
  • Consideration is given to health and safety requirements at budget review to ensure adequate resources are made available to achieve the stated objectives of this Policy.
  • A ‘Competent Person’ is appointed to provide advice on health and safety matters.


The Director of Safety has day to day responsibility for the safe performance of company activities. In this role, she will:-

  • Monitor the effectiveness of this Health & Safety Policy and review its appropriateness by ensuring regular safety audits/inspections are carried out.
  • Ensure employees are aware of this Safety Policy and understand their duties.
  • Review site inspection reports and ensure appropriate corrective action has been taken.
  • Ensure arrangements are made for the training of all employees on a regular basis.
  • Ensure documentation relating to notification of accidents and disease, insurance, training, and statutory registers and certificates are maintained up to date.
  • Seek advice from the appointed ‘competent person’ on health and safety matters as and when necessary.
  • Ensure adequate resources are made available enable the company to achieve its stated objectives.
  • Report to the Management Board on health and safety matters and how they will impact on the business.



The Director of Safety has day to day responsibility for the safe performance of company activities. In this role, he will:-

Advise on safety matters in advance of operations including:-

  • Pre-planning of safe systems of work -provision of safety equipment and adequate welfare facilities.
  • Protection of the public who may be affected by operations.
  • Requirements of a Principal and/or Contractor/s as appropriate.
  • Provision of information leading to a satisfactory fire and emergency action.
  • Monitor implementation of this Policy and the safety standards/method statements designed to control work activities.
  • Complete and submit Form 10’s in accordance with the CDM Regulations 2007.
  • Conduct regular site inspections with Supervisors and or our competent person (designated by him) and discuss site.
  • Safety problems and suggest improvements.
  • Notify the Supervisors of any defects found, before leaving site and confirm in writing with a copy to the Director of safety.
  • Immediately contact the Director of safety if situations are found that, in their opinion,
    is sufficiently dangerous enough to warrant stopping the operation.
  • Make recommendations on the need for safety training.
  • Check the availability and supply all relevant statutory documents in accordance with the regulations when briefing for commencement and on visits to sites.
  • Conduct incident investigations and report on any dangerous occurrences and serious incidents, including reporting to the relevant statutory authorities using Form F2508 (Rev 01/96), as required.
  • Issue the appropriate site Registers, Certificates, Permits to Work, Risk Assessments and Method Statements at the commencement of a new contract.
  • Lead by example by wearing the appropriate protection and clothing and encourage good health and safety practices.
  • Make provision for special requirements laid down by contractual arrangements when operating at hazardous or sensitive sites.
  • Ensure a sufficient number of persons are appointed under the First Aid Regulations 1981 and their names and location of First Aid boxes are displayed.



It is the responsibility of each Site Supervisor to do all you can to ensure the work for which you are responsible can be completed without risk to the health and safety of the people undertaking the work, (or any other person). It is especially important to ensure that:

  • Appropriate information, instruction and training is given to the people for whom you are responsible, and that this information is kept up to date.
  • Where you find that there is a conflict between conducting work and completing it safely, you must ensure that the necessary advice is sought.
  • Organise and co-ordinate site work with the minimum risk to health and safety.
  • Comply with the Company Safety Policy and relevant regulations.
  • Ensure agreed methods of work, codes of practice, risk assessments, etc. are adhered to and all registers and records are kept up to date.
  • Ensure operatives are competent (and certificated, where appropriate) to carry out tasks allocated to them.
  • Ensure operatives are given precise instructions in respect of health and safety
  • Ensure the storage of plant, materials and substances are safe and comply with statutory requirements.
  • Maintain a tidy site with safe access and egress to places of work and site accommodation if provided.
  • Ensure all plant and equipment is safe to use and properly maintained.
  • Control and co-ordinate the action of contractors and others to avoid confusion with regard to implementing the Safety Policy, Client’s requirements and other relevant regulations.
  • Ensure the supply and use of suitable personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Ensure all accidents and dangerous occurrences are immediately reported to the Office and entered in the Accident Book. A full (written) report should be made to (or in the presence of) the Director of safety as soon as possible.
  • Meet and liaise with visitors and inspectors to the site and if appropriate, appoint a competent person to take charge during temporary absences.
  • Rectify, as a matter of high priority, all defects notified by H.S.E. Inspector, Client’s representative, Contracts Manager and Competent Person.
  • Co-operate with Principal and other Contractors and Statutory Authorities.
  • Set a good example of behaviour, with regard to health, hygiene and safety.
  • Maintain adequate site welfare facilities, shared or otherwise, as required by the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007.
  • Ensure site tidiness is maintained and all combustible rubbish is properly disposed of
  • Ensure suitable fire extinguishers, appropriate to the task, are available and the ‘Site Emergency Procedures’ notice is displayed along with `No Smoking’ notices.
  • Ensure all burning operations (blow lamp and heat treatment) have adequate fire
    extinguishers and other firefighting equipment at the point of operations.
  • Ensure a ‘Permit to Work’ is in place when appropriate to operational requirements.
  • When appropriate, Form 10 (Rev) is prominently displayed.



It is every employee’s duty to work safely and follow the principles set out in this health and safety policy. This includes:

  • Working in compliance with the Safety Policy, Risk Assessments and Method Statements and any Principal Contractor Health & Safety Plans.
  • Use tools, equipment, PPE correctly and not misuse.
  • Keep all tools and equipment in good condition and report defects.
  • Report any accident, dangerous occurrence or condition to without delay.
  • Avoid improvised arrangements and suggest safe ways of eliminating hazards.
  • Do not operate plant, machinery or equipment unless trained and authorised to do so.
  • Refrain from travelling as a passenger on a vehicle not fitted with a passenger seat(s)
  • Observe all warning notices, signs and instructions given for your safety.
  • Ensure m/c guards are in position whilst plant and portable tools are in use.
  • Switch off and/or secure unattended plant and dismount from dumpers whilst loading is in progress.
  • Use the appropriate protective clothing and PPE issued to you.
  • Report defective plant, tools and equipment to the Supervisor and do not use until repaired or replaced.
  • If you suffer from any allergy, health problem or are receiving medication likely to affect your ability to do any task safely, you must notify your Supervisor immediately.


In recognising our limited health and safety knowledge we also undertake to provide qualified safety guidance and support as necessary to help us meet our statutory responsibilities.

We have appointed Steven C Phillips of The Risk Assessment Company Ltd. Diploma in Safety Management, MIIRSM, NEBOSH, as our H & S advisor. Mobile: 07973 560173 Tel:01964 564070




We will endeavour to communicate our commitment to safety and to ensure that all employees are familiar with the contents of the company health and safety policy. This will generally be achieved orally, in the form of directions and statements from supervisors, in writing, via toolbox talks, e-mails and memos posted on the staff notice board, and by example. In particular, this will include:

  • The content of this policy
  • Any rules specific to a site of job
  • Changes in legislation or working best practice
  • The planning of Health & Safety training
  • The introduction or alteration of new work equipment or technology


Health and Safety Training

Safety training is regarded as an indispensable ingredient of an effective health and safety programme. It is essential that every employee in the organisation be trained to perform his or her job effectively and safely. In our opinion if a job is not done safely then it is not done effectively.

All employees will be trained in safe working practices and procedures prior to being allocated any new role. Training will include advice on the use and maintenance of personal protective equipment appropriate to the task concerned and the formulation of emergency contingency plans.

Refresher training will be given at periodic intervals as determined to be necessary.

Young Persons

The Company recognises that young persons (under 18 years of age) are at higher risk due to their lack of experience and maturity and that additional attention must be given to ensure their health safety and welfare at work. As a consequence, we will carry out risk assessments before any young worker starts work and ensure appropriate control measures are in place. The risk assessment will pay specific attention to the exposure to those hazards where young persons are particularly at risk due to their inexperience and lack of knowledge.

No young person will be employed to undertake work which involves significant risk of injury. The company will not allow a young person, above the minimum school leaving age, to do work unless:

a) It is necessary for his or her training; and

b) She or he is supervised by a competent person; and

c) The risk is reduced to the lowest reasonably practicable level

Accident Reporting

All accidents MUST be reported to your Supervisor and the details recorded in the accident book held at head office. Serious accidents where hospital treatment is required must be reported to the Health and Safety Advisor as soon as possible after the incident for investigation.

Certain accidents are reportable to the HSE’s Incident Contact Centre. The Health & Safety Co-ordinator must be notified as soon as practicable after incidents causing the following:-

  • Any work related injury that leads to an employee being absent from work for more than 3 working days.
  • Fracture other than to fingers, thumbs or toes.
  • Amputation.
  • Dislocation of the shoulder, hip, knee or spine.
  • Loss of sight (temporary or permanent)
  • Chemical or hot metal burn to the eye or any penetrating injury to the eye.
  • Injury resulting from an electric shock or electrical burn leading to unconsciousness or requiring resuscitation or admittance to hospital for more than 24 hours.
  • Any other injury lead to hypothermia, heat induced illness or unconsciousness, or requiring resuscitation, or requiring admittance to hospital for more than 24 hours.


First Aid

Adequate first aid provision will be made at every place of work occupied by the Company. Each first aid box shall be suitably marked and be easily accessible to all employees at all times when they are at work.

At Head Office – the first aid box is located in the kitchen.

On Project Sites — wherever possible, arrangements will be made with client’s / principle contractors to use their first aid facilities. Where this is not practical a member of the project team will be nominated as the appointed person for first aid and a first aid box supplied which will contain adequate supplies for the total number of employees on site.

Qualified First Aiders are: The Directors and the Contract Managers

Risk Assessment

In line with the requirement to perform risk assessments, we will identify all tasks and their associated hazards and use a risk assessment process to evaluate the risks and identify control measures aimed at reducing the risk to the lowest level that is reasonably practicable.

This will involve:-

  • Assessing the likelihood of work related, injuries and other losses.
  • Ensuring the adequacy of existing control measures.
  • Implementing appropriate action plans.
  • Reviewing the effectiveness of risk assessment following accidents, changes to plant or to working practices.
  • Employees will be fully involved in identifying the hazards and risks associated with their tasks and in establishing the most practical control measures.

Safe Place of Work

  • Employees will be fully involved in identifying the hazards and risks associated with their tasks and in establishing the most practical control measures.
  • There are legal standards that need to be met. In particular, arrangements to ensure: each workplace is maintained in a safe condition.
  • All workplaces are maintained to a good standard of housekeeping.
  • The site must be kept clean and tidy.
  • Waste materials and rubbish must be removed routinely.
  • Any spillage must be cleaned up immediately.
  • Combustible waste materials must be discarded in sealed metal containers.
  • Safe storage of equipment and materials.
  • Safe means of access and egress.
  • Where necessary the provision of facilities for employees with disabilities.
  • Walkways and passageways must be kept clear from obstructions at all times.
  • If a walkway or passageway becomes wet it should be clearly marked with warning signs and / or covered with non-slip material.
  • Trailing cables are a trip hazard and should not be left in/across any walkway.
  • Any change in the floor level of any walkway or passageway must be clearly marked.
  • Lighting levels are to be appropriate to the tasks being performed.
  • Where objects are stored in or around a passageway, care must be taken to ensure that no long or sharp edges jut out into the passageway in such a way as to constitute a safety hazard.
  • When vehicles are involved in moving equipment and machinery; pedestrians should use an alternative route.
  • Wherever possible. If no alternative route is possible the area should be clearly marked with warning signs.


Safe Systems of Work

For each routine activity, including maintenance, there should be a formal procedure, resulting from a risk assessment, which defines safe methods of work. The procedure will identify the competencies necessary for the people both undertaking and supervising the activity.

Permit to Work

It shall be the duty of the Site Supervisor to ensure that permits to work, if appropriate, are issued, current and suitably documented in compliance with such permit system (to include yours and the Client requirements)


Only authorised drivers are permitted to use company vehicles.

Company vehicles will be driven with due respect and always in accordance with all aspects of the Highway Code.

They will be regularly maintained and serviced, but it is the responsibility of all employees to report any defect which involves the safety of the vehicle.

The use of the fork lift truck is restricted to authorised and licensed employees who have been designated with specific fork lift truck driving tasks.

Both private and company vehicles should not be parked where they would cause an obstruction to the fire exits. Unauthorised use of any vehicle will lead to disciplinary action.

Display Screen Equipment

In compliance with the Health & Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 the company will ensure:-

  • All work stations have adequate lighting with no glare or distracting reflections.
  • Adequate shading of windows is provided where necessary.
  • Adequate space is maintained at the work station to allow postural changes and adequate leg room.
  • Work surfaces allow for flexible arrangements.
  • Work chairs are adjustable to cater for individual needs.
  • Footrests are provided.
  • Distracting noise is kept to a minimum.
  • Equipment provided is appropriate to the task.
  • Screens will have stable image, adjustable and legible.
  • Keyboard to be useable, adjustable and legible.
  • Users will take frequent short breaks away from the screen area.
  • Eyesight tests are provided at request of user and carried out by a competent person.
  • Damaged or faulty equipment will be immediately taken out of use.



All workplaces including staircases, floors, access and egress points, washrooms etc. are to be kept in a safe and clean condition by regular cleaning, maintenance and repair.

Additional cleaning will be provided when necessary to clear up spillages or other soiling. All workplaces will be kept free from waste matter.

Waste disposal

The Company will comply with Waste Management Regulations as appropriate. It will ensure that all waste stored on the premises will be suitably protected and stored so as not to pose a health and safety risk either to staff, the public or the environment. When carrying or transferring waste, the Company will ensure the relevant regulations are complied with.

All traffic routes within the Company premises shall be suitable for the persons or vehicles using them and will be clearly indicated where necessary for reasons of health and safety.

All debris, rubbish etc. will be removed from traffic/pedestrian routes and fire escapes. Do not obstruct walk ways or fire exits.

Work at Height

All work at height is considered hazardous. Although only a small element of our work involves working at height; we will ensure adequate work procedures and suitable access equipment are in place to ensure the safety of employees.

In the warehouse, access to the mezzanine storage area will be via a secured ladder.

When access for high level positioning of curtains/blinds etc. is required, suitable steps and/or mobile scaffold towers will be provided. Company owned equipment will be subject to a regular inspection to ensure suitability. When hiring access equipment, only reputable access equipment companies will be used.

All employees undertaking high level work will receive specific work at height

Plant and Equipment

We will have in place a formal approval system to ensure that new plant and existing equipment complies with current legislative requirements. Operators will be provided with the necessary training for competency to ensure safe operation. For existing plant and equipment, we will ensure that, where appropriate, it is examined and tested in accordance with any relevant statutory provisions (e.g. lifts, lifting equipment, pressure and electrical systems and equipment). Records of examination, test and maintenance must be kept available for inspection and audit. Clear safe operating instructions should be made available to operators.

Use of ‘others’ plant and equipment (including plant hire)

The company may, from time to time, negotiate with the Client, Contractors and hire companies, as appropriate, with regard to the safe use of ‘others’ plant and equipment and shall ensure, as far as is reasonable practicable, that all necessary permits, operating instructions and hand-over certificates are provided and copied to the site operatives. Site operatives DO NOT have authority to carry out such negotiations without prior authority from the company.

Alteration/Modification of ‘others’ plant and equipment

Where it is considered necessary to alter/modify ‘others’ plant and equipment, this may only be carried out with the prior approval of such other party. Such approval must be detailed as to the precise alteration and be confirmed in writing. Alterations may only be carried out by operatives trained and competent in making that change.


Work Equipment

We will endeavour to ensure that all equipment used in the workplace is safe and suitable for the purpose for which it is used. In particular, we will:

  • Ensure all employees are provided with adequate information, instruction and training to enable them to use work equipment safely.
  • Maintain all work equipment in good working order and repair.
  • Ensure all employees are provided with such protection as is necessary to protect them from dangers occasioned by the use of work equipment.
  • Clearly mark work equipment with health and safety warnings where appropriate.
  • Conduct health and safety assessments of all work stations staffed by employees who use display screens as part of their normal work.
  • The risks to users of display screens will be reduced to the lowest extent reasonably practicable.
  • Display screen users will be allowed periodic breaks in their work.
  • Eyesight tests will be provided for display screen users on request
  • Where necessary display screen users will be provided with the basic necessary corrective equipment such as glasses or contact lenses.
  • Each display screen user will be given appropriate and adequate training on the health and safety aspects of this type of work and will be given further training and information whenever the organisation of the workstation is substantially modified.

Tool and Equipment Maintenance

Company machinery and tools are only to be used by qualified and authorised personnel. It is the responsibility of each Supervisor to determine who is authorised to use specific tools and equipment.

Employees must ensure tools or equipment are in a good condition and only used for the purpose for which was intended. Defective equipment must be repaired or replaced.

No tool should be used without the manufacturers recommended shields, guards or attachments.

Approved personal protective equipment must be properly used where appropriate. Persons using machine tools must not wear clothing, jewellery or long hair in such a way as might pose a risk to their safety. All tools must be properly and safely stored and put away after use.


Work on electrical equipment will not be allowed before the equipment has been properly isolated and disconnected from the source of supply. Isolation must not rely solely on operating a switch to the OFF position. Switches must be locked to the OFF position and/or fuses removed from the circuit and held by the workman until the work is completed.

Electrical control panels and main switchgear cubicles must remain clear of obstructions and be readily accessible at all times. Electrical switch rooms must not be used as a storage facility

Only trained and qualified persons may be allowed to work with or near electrical equipment.

Any contractors that will be employed to work on or with electrical equipment must be qualified and have obtained appropriate training before starting work.

All electrical tools must be earthed or double insulated. Any frayed, torn or split flexible cords and plug tops which are cracked or have broken insulation must be changed. Tools that are suspect e.g. smoking or excessively hot, must be checked immediately by a competent person.

A suitable asset register will be prepared to record the details of each portable appliance item owned by the company.

All portable electrical appliances will be PAT tested in accordance with British Standards and HSE Guidance Note PM32 ‘The Safe Use of Portable Electrical Appliances’ annually. Each time an appliance is tested an inspection certificate should be completed by the person carrying out the test.

Electrical circuits and plant may only be shut down with the authority of a Company representative. Access to sub-stations and plant rooms is restricted authorised and competent personnel only.


Isolation Procedures

Plant or machinery must always be left in a safe condition. Where work (i.e. setting, feeding, clearing blockages, maintaining or cleaning) has to be undertaken which requires the removal of machine guards or other parts of plant or equipment thereby exposing hazards, action must be taken to eliminate the risk of injury. This must be supported by an isolation procedure which will ensure that, at no time, will it be possible to work on any machinery or associated equipment until it has been adequately isolated and locked off from all sources of energy.

Pressure Systems

All pressurised plant such as steam raising boilers, air compressors and air receivers etc will be subject to annual engineering inspections by a specialist engineer.

Designated employees will be trained in the operation of equipment incorporating pressure vessels and the hazards that may occur from their use.

All pressurised plant will be subject to a Planned Preventative Maintenance Programme and suitable records will be kept showing all procedures and works carried out. They will be maintained in an efficient state in efficient working order and in good repair.

Welfare Facilities

We will provide adequate and suitable provision of welfare facilities including male/female toilets, washing facilities, and individual accommodation for clothing.

Substances Hazardous the Health

We will maintain an inventory of all substances used during our operations; this will include a copy of the manufacturer’s safety data sheet and our own risk assessment documentation.

Assessment will consider storage, handling, aspects of use, nature of exposure, PPE requirements and worker’s health. They will be reviewed whenever there is a substantial modification to the work process or if there is any reason to suspect that the assessment may
no longer be valid.

Employees who are involved in using hazardous substances will receive comprehensive information, instruction and training on the health and safety issues relating to the storage, handling and use of the substance.


No person should be exposed to an unprotected daily personal noise exposure in excess of 85 dB (A) whilst working on any activity. Where it is not possible to reduce excess noise levels by practical means, hearing protection will be provided to those employees who may be affected.

Hearing protection will be available to anyone where noise levels are above 80 dB (A).

We accept that the operation of woodworking machinery is a recognised hazard and will do all that we can to avoid exposure to excessive sound pressure levels from the operation of these machines.

Material Handling

Wherever possible, manual material handling will be avoided by devising methods of work which utilise the assistance of lifting devices and equipment designed to avoid manual lifting.

However, it must be recognised that this may not always be possible and there may still be some residual tasks that do necessitate some form of manual handling. Where this is the case, an assessment of the operation will be made taking into account the task, the load, the working environment and the capability of the individual concerned. All possible steps will be taken to reduce the risk of injury to the lowest level possible. The assessment will be reviewed if there is any reason to suspect that it is no longer valid.

All employees who are involved in materials handling activities will receive training in the safe handling techniques to employ.


Personal Protective Equipment

It is our policy to issue personal protective equipment only where other methods of risk control are insufficient or impractical.

We will identify the appropriate selection, issue, use and care of personal protective equipment through risk assessment. All equipment will comply with current British/European Standards.

Employees required to wear personal protective equipment will be issued with equipment for their own personal use and will receive instruction in the correct use and care of the equipment.

Any loss or obvious defect in any equipment provided for your protection should be reported your Supervisor.

All contractors will comply with the above policy regarding personal protective equipment and will also have had suitable training in the use and wearing of personal protective equipment.

Fire Precautions

Our fire safety management system and risk assessment takes into account the specific fire hazards to be found in our warehouse, offices and our site based activities. A fire risk assessment has been carried out and fire control measures have been identified. This risk assessment will be kept under review to ensure that both life and property are adequately protected from the risk of fire.

What to do in the event of fire?

The instructions containing what to do in the event of a fire are posted in prominent positions around the workplace and evacuation drills will be carried out and reviewed at least once a year.

All employees will receive training in what to do in the event of a fire. You must always:

  • Ensure fire exits are unlocked and free from obstruction.
  • All walkways and exit routes must be kept clear at all times.
  • All fire extinguishers are to be unobstructed and available for use at any time.
  • Fire drill exercises will be carried out at varying times and intervals, everyone including visitors at the time of the Drill, will participate.

The following personnel have designated fire duties:

  • Fire Wardens on contractors sites.
  • A fire warden will ensure the services are notified and ensure surrounding businesses are made aware of the situation. He is also responsible for any visitors to the premises.
  • The Fire Wardens on Hearing the fire alarm will search their area and ensure no one is left in the building, unless this search would put them at risk.
  • The Fire Wardens will conduct a roll call of all persons at the Assembly point. If it appears someone is missing this information should be relayed to the Fire Services on their arrival.
  • The person with the responsibility for the maintenance and testing of fire alarms and firefighting equipment is Andrew Fox at Fox Group head quarters.
  • Site Supervisors are responsible for keeping their operating areas safe from fire, ensuring that their staff are trained in proper fire prevention practices and emergency procedures.


Fire Fighting/Detection Equipment

Fire extinguishers are located at strategic points throughout the workplace. Employees are expected to tackle a fire themselves only if it would pose no threat to their personal safety to do so. If the situation is dangerous or potentially dangerous the employee should activate the alarm and evacuate the building immediately.

Any abuse of Fire equipment will be considered a serious offence and will incur serious disciplinary action.

Heat/Smoke detectors and manually operated break glass alarm points are located at strategic positions throughout the workplace.

Fire Doors

Fire doors designed to slow the spread of fire and smoke throughout the workplace have been installed at strategic positions. Fire doors must never be blocked, jammed, wedged or tied open.

Fire Exits

Fire exits are located at strategic points throughout the workplace. Exit doors and corridors must never be locked, blocked or used as storage space.

Emergency Lighting

Emergency lighting has been installed in exit corridors, above emergency exit doors and throughout the workplace in case of power failure.


The Company operate a no smoking policy throughout the premises and on all sites.

Smoking is only permitted in the area which has been specifically designated as a smoking zone. The smoking zone should be maintained fire safe at all times. Combustible materials must never be stored or allowed to accumulate in the zone where smoking is permitted.

Employee’s found smoking on company premises will be subject to disciplinary action.

Emergency Evacuation Procedure

On discovery of a fire the following steps should be taken:

  1. Operate the nearest break-glass Fire Alarm point
  2. Contain the fire (if possible) by closing door and window openings
  3. Only attempt to fight the fire if there is no personal risk
  4. Where possible, cut off the supply of any fuel sources feeding the fire

On hearing the fire alarm:

  • Everyone should evacuate the building and assemble in the car park to the front of the building. Do not obstruct movement of traffic.
  • Ensure you give your name to the Fire Warden.

Fire Drills

Practice fire drills will be conducted every 6 Months to ensure employee familiarity with alarm signalling and emergency evacuation and roll call procedures.

In the event of the fire alarm being activated, or in any other emergency situation (e.g. bomb scare) all employees must leave the building by the nearest available exit and assemble at the designated assembly point.


Contractor Controls

All sub-contractors will be briefed on the requirements for safe working when they are invited onto our premises and or sites. Our Contractor control procedure covers the following key topics:

  • Pre-tender vetting for health and safety performance
  • Work planning
  • Provision of health & safety method statements
  • Performance monitoring
  • Hand-over and contract review

Contractors working on our sites will be required to acknowledge our safety procedures and ensure they instruct their employees on our health and safety requirements.

When we are working on third party sites, it is important our employees receive a health and safety induction by the client on the relative health and safety features at that site, including what to do in the event of fire etc.


All visitors to these premises are required to report to Reception on arrival where they will be required to sign in. Visitors must stay at all times in the presence of their company host.

Mobile Phone Use

You should be aware that it is an offence for a driver to use a mobile phone whilst driving and at any time the keys are in the ignition, :-

  • At traffic lights
  • In stationary or slow moving traffic
  • In order to say “I am just pulling over to answer your call”
  • Using text messaging or other interactive means

It has been stated that while the use of hands free devices will be permitted, it will be actively discouraged as this is also thought to act as a distraction to the driver.

You are reminded of your responsibility to comply with the law concerning mobile phone use at all times. Equally, management will recognise these new requirements and will not expect employees to make or receive calls during business journeys. If it is necessary to make or answer an urgent call, you will be expected to do so at your next available opportunity when it is safe to stop your vehicle.

Switch it off- you don’t need the distraction whilst driving.

Switch it on- when you are not driving.

Messages – re-programme your messaging facility for the times when you are driving, people will understand.

Safety Inspections

Routine and systematic inspections of all operations are an integral part of the safety management system, therefore regular inspections of the workplace will be undertaken. In addition, inspections will be conducted in the relevant areas whenever there are significant changes in the nature and/or scale of our operations. Workplace inspections will also provide an opportunity to review the continuing effectiveness of the H&S policy and to identify areas where revision of the policy may be necessary.

The following inspection frequencies will apply:

Daily/ Pre-start

Supervisors are required to undertake a pre-shift inspection of the workplace. Where possible, deficiencies must be rectified immediately. Any serious or long term safety problems must be notified to the Contracts Manager.


The Contracts Manager will carry out a full inspection of all operational areas. Safety issues identified will, where possible, be actioned immediately and reported in written form and discussed with the Director for Safety during the normal business review meeting.


An annual safety audit will be undertaken by an external specialist; results will be reported to the company and any action required to be taken will be included in the Safety Plan for the following year.

A record must be kept of all inspections carried out, of faults identified and action taken.


Safety Rules

  1. All employees must respect and adhere to the rules and procedures contained in the Company Health and Safety Policy.
  2. Everyone must immediately report any unsafe practices or conditions to their supervisor.
  3. Any person under the influence of alcohol or any other intoxicating drug that might impair motor skills or judgement, whether prescribed or otherwise, shall not be allowed on site.
  4. Horseplay, practical joking or any other acts that might jeopardise the health and safety of another person is prohibited.
  5. Any person whose levels of alertness and / or ability are reduced due to illness or fatigue will not be allowed on the site if this might jeopardise the health and safety of that person or any other person.
  6. No employee shall adjust, move or otherwise tamper with any electrical equipment or machinery which is not within the scope of their duties.
  7. Waste materials must be disposed of carefully and in such a way that they do not constitute a hazard to others.
  8. No person should undertake a job until he or she has received adequate safety instruction and is authorised to carry out the task.
  9. All injuries must be reported.
  10. Machine operators must ensure that all guards and safety devices are properly fitted and in good working order and shall immediately report any deficiencies to their supervisor or the Managing Director.
  11. No employee should use hazardous substances without the appropriate knowledge and training required to work with those substances safely.
  12. Sensible clothing and footwear must be worn at all times. The relevant personal protective equipment shall be worn wherever appropriate.

Andrew Fox

Signed: Andrew Fox January 2021



5 Sidings Court, Priory Park East, Henry Boot Way, Hull, HU4 7DY


0800 193 9820

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